
Handcrafted and modified one-of-a-kind goodies for people who love the beach, live by the beach or just dream of the beach. Please feel free to email me if you have any questions or wish to purchase an item at jayneinpr@yahoo.com

Sunday, June 04, 2006

I seem to be spending all my spare time painting lately which is not a bad thing as the house is looking so clean and fresh! It's a good thing the weather has been rainy otherwise I would have wanted to be in the garden! I got my new clogs in the mail this week and I just love the colour! PINK! Just another pair to add to my collection! Took the boys for haircuts this week and what a difference! They both had long hair, well past their shoulders and now it's short! I can see their necks for the first time in years and it makes them look so much older! Found a step stool that was like one from my youth(my Dad use to cut my hair while I sat on one like this and I even sat on it when I was little if there was a crowd over for dinner) I have given mine a modern twist with the pink paint and seat cover and it has already been put to good use during my painting frenzy! While I have been painting I have also been sorting out and now can hardly get into my sewing/craft room for all the stuff that I have piled up so think I will have a garage sale next weekend and what doesn't go at the sale I will lug to the thrift store


  • At 4:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    It sure looks exactly like the kitchen stool we grew up with...but love what you've done with yours. And those clogs...well, my dear, aren't they just the cat's meow! The shade of pink is perfection.

  • At 4:24 AM, Blogger Kali said…

    I wanna come to your garage sale. It sure is a pity I live in Australia *grin*
    Love your pink clogs and the stool is adorable :)

  • At 8:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Great clogs...didn't even know they came is such a perfect ballet pink!

  • At 6:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.


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