
Handcrafted and modified one-of-a-kind goodies for people who love the beach, live by the beach or just dream of the beach. Please feel free to email me if you have any questions or wish to purchase an item at jayneinpr@yahoo.com

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Had a fantastic 3 days with my sister. Walks on the beach to find mermaid's tears(beach glass) with the dogs, thrift store shoping, dollar store and even Walmart to get some lace. The lace was for these little dolls that she had first showed me how to make about 30 years ago. We thought it would be a snap to whip up a few but we spent 2 evenings trying to copy the original and ended up with the funniest little dolls you have ever seen. It was good for a laugh! She also helped me figure out how to put links into my blog and helped me organize my photos on Flickr, she is the best teacher in the world!
The biggest task that Barb helped me with was the disaster of my sewing, craft, ebay room. I just didn't know where to begin! After much sifting, sorting, tossing, organizing, and even dusting we got most of it done. Even after she left I continued (not as much fun without her) to clean and even got the furniture rearranged. Even every basket is labled thanks to her! Thank you magic sissy!


  • At 9:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Goodie, goodie, gumdrops...when do we get to play again! Belly laughs are great fodder for the soul.


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