
Handcrafted and modified one-of-a-kind goodies for people who love the beach, live by the beach or just dream of the beach. Please feel free to email me if you have any questions or wish to purchase an item at jayneinpr@yahoo.com

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Waited for the mail to come then went into town to do the usual, banking and to Safeway, then on to the thrift store. Found a beautiful silk scarf in my colors of pink and light green. Also found a white glazed pot for my Amaryllis bulb that I want to bloom for Christmas. My yoga teacher had to close her studio last week as she didn't have enough students so my daughter got me to come along with her to the Rec Complex . We, along with my other daughter had a great workout and I'm feeling it this morning, aching arms, legs, actually, my whole body is sore!!!


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